Military and Veterans

Military and Veterans


We welcome service members, 退伍军人及其符合条件的家属和配偶加入我们的学习者社区. 萨尔维·里贾纳被批准为退伍军人提供福利,包括黄丝带福利,并被命名为军事友好学校, a designation awarded to the top 20% of colleges, 全国范围内的大学和职业学校都在尽最大努力接纳美国的军人, veterans and spouses as students and to ensure their success on campus.

V.A. Educational Benefits

The U.S. 退伍军人事务部为符合条件的退伍军人管理教育福利, service members and family members, including children of deceased or disabled veterans. Students intending to use VA education benefits should visit the GI Bill® website to obtain their certificate of eligibility (COE). 学生向注册办公室提供他们的COE以验证资格. The Office of the Registrar certifies enrollment with the VA.

  • 有关认证问题,请致电(401)341-2943
  • For financial questions, call the Business Office at (401) 341-2900
  • 如需其他资助方式,请致电(401)341-2901财务援助办公室

GI Bill® is a registered trademark of the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs (VA). 有关VA提供的教育福利的更多信息,请访问官方网站 U.S. government website.

Naval War College Articulation Agreement

亚洲博彩平台排名与海军战争学院有衔接协议,为学生提供学分交换. The University offers two types of benefits for War College students:

  • 获得18学分文凭的战争学院学生可能有资格将这些学分转换为亚洲博彩平台排名的硕士学位课程. This means a 36-credit master's degree could be earned in just 18 credits.
  • 战争学院的毕业生和在校生可以通过在大学完成至少24个学分(8门研究生课程)来获得索尔维里贾纳的第二个硕士学位. Of the 24 credit hours required, 六个学分(两门课程)可以是在战争学院学位计划或授予学位之外完成的免费选修课程. 这六个学分可以在索尔维里贾纳研究生项目主任的批准下从战争学院转移.


Call to Active Duty

Students who receive orders for active military duty may request, in writing, a withdrawal or leave of absence from the University. 在这种情况下,应向书记官长办公室提交一份命令的正本.

在没有学术和经济处罚的情况下,可以批准退学或请假, 使学生获得“W”成绩,并100%退还学杂费.

If circumstances permit, students may request alternatives, 由各自的管理员与课程教师合作确定. 有些课程可能会在很长一段时间内被评为“不完整”, or to completion via independent study. In these cases, refunds are prorated based on credits to be completed.

  • Contact the VA. For official guidance to your VA benefits, contact your local VA office, call (888) 442-4551 or visit
  • Apply for admission. Contact our admissions offices for information on how to apply. You can reach us online at, 或致电(401)341-2908申请本科入学或致电(800)637 -0002申请研究生和专业学习.
  • 提交您的退伍军人福利申请或资格证书的副本到注册办公室. Application forms are available at


  • 22-1990 Application for VA Education Benefits. 如果您将根据蒙哥马利退伍军人法案第一次使用VA福利-现役或选择预备役,请使用此表格, as well as VEAP (Post-Vietnam Era) benefits. This form is used for benefits under Chapters 30, 32, 33, 1606 and 1607.
  • 22-1995 Request for Change of VA Education Program or Place of Training. 如果您以前在其他学院或大学获得过VA福利,请使用此表格, or if you are changing from one program to another, such as from a bachelor's to a master's program. (Chapter 35 students use 22-5495 for this.)
  • 22-5490 Application for Survivors' and Dependents' Educational Assistance. Use this form if you are the son, daughter or spouse of a qualified veteran. This is used for benefits under Chapter 35.
  • 22-5495请求更改VA教育计划或培训地点-幸存者和家属. Use this form if you are the son, daughter or spouse of a qualified veteran, and have previously received VA benefits at another college or university, or if you are changing from one program to another, such as from a bachelor's to a master's program. This is used for benefits under Chapter 35.

你必须在每个学期(秋季、春季和/或夏季)向注册主任提供详细信息。. Under Chapter 30, 学生不能获得蒙哥马利GI法案®任何课程的学费援助, except for the Top-Up program. Also, special rules exist for certain reservists with Chapter 1606 benefits. 如果您将使用学费援助和充值,您将不会通过该办公室获得认证. 你应该简单地将学费援助表格提交给布法罗处理办公室. Please visit the VA website for details about this option.

亚洲博彩平台排名 participates in the Yellow Ribbon program. If you are eligible for the post-9/11 GI Bill (Chapter 33) at the 100% rate, you may be eligible for the Yellow Ribbon component of this benefit. If this is the case, 致电(401)341-2943,我们会将黄丝带申请转交给您. 请记住,在你申请之前,你必须提供100%的资格证明.

You do not need to be enrolled full time. 然而,你的注册确实会影响你的VA教育福利的数量. Payment rates can be found on the Veterans Affairs website or by calling (888) 442-4551.

  • 《亚洲博彩平台排名》(第33章)适用于那些在9/11之后连续服役至少30天的人. 10, 2001.
  • The Post-9/11 Yellow Ribbon program. 该学生必须是领取100%津贴的退伍军人, 符合权利转移资格的受抚养子女或符合权利转移资格的退伍军人配偶.
  • 蒙哥马利退伍军人法案——现役军人法案(第30章)适用于1985年7月1日后入伍的军人.
  • 蒙哥马利退伍军人法案-选定的预备役(第1606章)是1985年7月1日生效的退伍军人法案的一部分.
  • 为已故或残疾退伍军人的配偶和子女提供的幸存者和家属教育援助计划(第35章).
  • 职业康复计划(第31章)为残疾退伍军人批准在萨尔维里贾纳学习.

If you are receiving benefits under Chapter 30, 你需要每个月通知退伍军人管理局,你仍然在萨尔维里贾纳注册. This is called certifying your enrollment. You can do this by using their online Web Automated Verification of Enrollment (WAVE)系统或拨打免费交互式语音应答电话(877)823-2378.

Note: If you are receiving benefits under the Post-9/11 GI Bill (Chapter 33), DEA (Chapter 35), REAP (Chapter 1607) or VEAP (Chapter 32), you do not need to verify your attendance in this manner.

对于第33章的接受者,退伍军人事务部将报销毕业申请费. This does not include cap and gown rental.

对于第30章和第1606章的受助人,你可以通过 Web Automated Verification of Enrollment (WAVE) system, or call (888) 442-4551. For all other benefits, call the (888) 442-4551 VA helpline.
